This link leads to the latest adult theatre productions by Parlapatões. Decameron and Cabeça de Yorick (The Skull of Yorick).
In children’s theatre, we present a show focused on the universe of babies and their discoveries: dito e feito (just as I thought). And we also presents Os Mequetrefe, in wich four clowns live the same day of non sense.
Click here to learn about the history of one of Brazil’s longest-running theatre groups, with 33 years of existence and more than 69 plays staged over that time.
Use this other link to access information about our current projects and partnerships. Two completely different festivals: the Festival of ONE MINUTE Plays, which focuses on dramaturgy, and the Festival Palhaçada Geral / São Paulo Internacional Clown Festival, which focuses on clowning and circus arts. Both are already in the planning stage for their highly-anticipated 6th edition.
The Espaço Parlapatões are conveniently located in the heart of São Paulo, featuring a unique 99-seat theatre and an iconic bar that is a hub for the city’s artistic community since 2006.
Satyrianas Festival
We would like to invite you to learn more about the Satyrianas Festival, which is brought to you by our esteemed partners in the Franklin Roosevelt Square cultural movement, Os Satyros. To find out more, please click bellow.